
Renders a breadcrumb component that displays the current page's path. This is a React component written in Typescript, styled with Tailwind CSS that can be copy & pasted into your codebase.


This is how the code looks like in action.

Step-By-Step Guide

1. Install Dependencies

Icons by Lucide. But you can use any or none.


1npm install lucide-react

Copy the function 'cn'. Link -> cn Function

Copy the function 'capitlize'. Link -> cn Function

2. Copy the Source Code


1'use client';
3// Import Types
4// Import External Packages
5import { usePathname } from 'next/navigation';
6import Link from 'next/link';
7// Import Components
8// Import Functions & Actions & Hooks & State
9import { capitalize, cn } from '@/lib/utils';
10// Import Data
11// Import Assets & Icons
12import { ChevronRight, HomeIcon } from 'lucide-react';
15 * Renders a breadcrumb component that displays the current page's path.
16 * @returns The breadcrumb component.
17 */
18export default function Breadcrumps() {
19	const pathname = usePathname();
20	const pathArray = pathname.split('/');
22	return (
23				<div className="flex items-center py-4 text-sm text-muted-foreground">
24			<Link href="/" className="px-2 sm:px-0" aria-describedby="home button">
25				<HomeIcon className="h-5 w-5 sm:h-4 sm:w-4" />
26			</Link>
28			<div className="flex flex-wrap">
29				{pathArray.length > 1
30					? pathArray.slice(1).map((path, index) => (
31							<div key={path} className="flex items-center leading-10">
32								<ChevronRight className="h-4 w-4" />
33								<div
34									className={cn(
35										pathArray.length - 2 === index
36											? 'font-medium text-foreground'
37											: 'text-sm text-muted-foreground'
38									)}
39								>
40									<Link href={pathArray.slice(0, index + 2).join('/')}>
41										{path
42											.split('-')
43											.map((w) => capitalize(w))
44											.join(' ')}
45									</Link>
46								</div>
47							</div>
48						))
49					: null}
50			</div>
51		</div>
52	);

3. Use in your App


1import Breadcrumps from '@/components/Breadcrumps';
3export default function Page(){
4    return(
5        <Breadcrumps/>
6    )

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Next.js 14

The new version is the best thing since sliced bread. App Router, Server Actions, and more!

Frontend Framework



A simply beautiful icon library.




The most popular CSS framework. It is easy to use, well documented and has a great community.

CSS Framework


React 18

The library for web and native user interfaces

Web Library

Example Usage

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External link to


Have a look in the top of this page!

Example Usage of React Component

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