Now, once you purchased the template, you will automatically get an invite to the private GitHub Repo. Click the link in your email to join the ride! The invitation will be sent to the email address that is being used in your GitHub Account. If you did not receive an email after purchasing, email us [], and we will help you out.

After being part of the GitHub Repo, run the following command in your terminal to install the UI Component Library locally:

git clone [YOUR_APP_NAME]

or via GitHub CLI

gh repo clone BoilerplateHQ/ui-component-library

or via the VS Code command palette

Clone Git Repository BoilerplateHQ/ui-component-library

or download the Zip-file from your BoilerplateHQ account and extract it to a folder of your liking.

Cd in to the project folder and run the following command.

npm run dev

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